Friday, October 24, 2008

senior quote

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ~Marianne Williamson

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What is art?

What is art? What classifies it as art? I believe art is everything and most importantly personal. I think that the beginning of objects like the blue prints are imagined by one's mind and therefore are their own art. Once it is mass produced i think it is just humans' way of making money. Art is what one person produces through a personal idea or can be anything that moves one's feelings. You can decide what beauty is through the way it moves you or if it inspires you to take action in any way. I think art can have function because the urn has a function but we see it as such a beauty from the people of our past and are able to study them so much more through this kind of art. I may not react to all kinds of art or even like it, but i do believe an idea that is constructed and presented is art.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Worldview of She Unnamed Them

The worldview of this piece is Postmodern mainly because they believe names or words have no significance. It can be explained by these categories:

1. God and Universe

~ They see God as fallible so they look to themselves for answers and what is right for their

lives. They beleive everyone is their own personal god and needs no higher ruler.

"You and you father lent me this - gave it to me actully. It's been really useful, but it

doesn't exactly seem to fit very well lately."

2. Humanity and Identity

~In This worldview there is no exact identity. Since names or words don't matter it has no

relavance to what it belongs too. It is just a name and nothing more. Your identity is

based on the individual.

"The cats, of course, steadfastly denied ever having had any name other than those self-


3. Conflict and Suffering

~ Since words have no importance or meaning, people cannot find meaning. Life is pointless

and you get lost in trying to find some truth. There is always confusion and no absolutes.

"I could not chatter away as I used to do, taking it all for granted."

4. Hope and Redemption

~ Since meaning is completely lost, they have to find hope in themselves. They look only

to their own ways and thoughts for what to do it life. It is not from God the creator. It

is all relative to the person.

"In fact, I had only just then realized how ahrd it would have been to explain myself."

5. Values and Relationships

~ Once again since all things are relative, you values come from yourself. You cannot not

find them in God, creation, or anything else. Rather you look to youself for life's purpose.

"I had been prepared to defend my decision"

6. Truth and Knowledge

~ The truth is relative to every individual. It sways depending on the person. Words don't

have any meaning and people are their own gods. you do as you see fit in your own life

and no one can change what you want to do.

"It's (the gift) been really useful, but it doesn't exactly seem to fit very well lately."

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Worldview of American Pie

I believe the worldview of this song is Secular Humanism. I believe this based on the following categories.

1. God and the Universe
~ Mainly music (man made things), Whiskey, Rye

2. Humanity and Identity
~ man is lost and guilty and has no "savior" figure to redeem them out of their
~ he thinks that the spiritual realm deserted them so he goes to man made things for
salvation or hope.

3. Conflict and Suffering
~ the conflict that he thinks God left him and he is alone in the world. He thinks his
hope or in the song "music" is gone and there is nothing he can do. They don't know
how to live without that hope restored.

4. Hope and Redemption
~ His hope is in the things of the world but mainly it is in his music and for the people
around him it is in whiskey and rye. He doesn't know where to find hope when God
has left him.

5. Values and Relationship
~ At the beginning of the song, he sees God in life around him but then he feels like
God deserted him. So he looks to the world for what he should value and need for life.

6. Truth and Knowledge
~ Truth to him is the symbol of music or materialistic hope. I don't think he believes in
absolute truths.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Conflict and Suffering

One main idea in Paradise Lost is the conflict between Satan and God. Not only is this war conflict but it also shows the suffering Satan feels at first when he decides to go to war with God. It says in this literature that the Serpent was cast from Heaven because of his pride and Satan felt like he should have equal power. This caused this evil desire in Satan and conflict which results in going to war with God. Not only did he feel this but it also says " both of lost happiness and lasting pain torments him." He has pure evil desires but he feels pain and even questions his decisions on attacking God and Heaven. In the end he decides to go for it and blocks out the uncertainty of his decisions.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wizard of Oz

I believe the worldview of the Wizard of Oz is a postmodern view. In the story, Dorothy must find the "higher power" or Oz to help her get through the situation she is in. Although Dorothy is completely capable of doing it on her own. Just how Postmodernists believe we create gods to help ourselves through life or gives us a reason for what we do. Dorothy goes through the journey meeting friends to aid her through her trip. When she gets to the power she needs at the end, she realizes it is a fraud and merely a man. The witch tells her she could have done it by herself which ultimately shows that postmodernists believe we can live life on our own but we create gods to make us feel better through life.

Worldview in Literature

A worldview is the idea or perspective one has on the world and how it affects them on a daily basis. When you look at a worldview in literate, you have to look at the tone of the author and how they feel about the topics at hand. I believe the tone comes out of the author's personal experineces and those experineces have influence on what they write in their stories. You must look at the point they are trying to convey through their agrument. It will show what they truly think about a point and not just what the culture thinks about the topic. I believe it is easy to see a worldview through the word choice in a piece and what genre or common topics the author writes about. Ultimately, the tone reflects the autor's worldview.